Anderson DAO, a DAO for Contemporary Art

Anderson DAO
2 min readFeb 8, 2022


Anderson DAO is a contemporary art DAO for collectors, artists, curators, museums, and galleries.

Anderson DAO hopes to bring the contemporary art world together via blockchain.

The goal is to create synergy between IRL and NFT contemporary art world, building a frictionless and peer-to-peer discussion channel for contemporary art lovers.

1.Art World Insights

-Anderson DAO members have access to daily curated NFT & IRL (In-Real-Life) art world insights.

2.Buy/Sell/Trade NFT & IRL Art in member-only Discord

-Anderson DAO members have dedicated art trading chat for collectors and art institutions to buy/sell/trade artworks via direct communication without friction.

3.Connect with the art world

-Anderson DAO members can connect with fellow art world participants.

4.Crypto education & tutorial for art lovers

  • Anderson DAO members enjoy crypto tutorials and peer-to-peer help to fast-track an art lover’s adoption of blockchain technology.

To Enter Anderson DAO, you must have 1 billion or more Anderson DAO token. (ADAO)

Anderson DAO token is a fair-launched ERC-20 utility token solely for the Anderson DAO Discord Access. (Utility only!)

Total supply of Anderson DAO Token: 100 Trillion. 0% owned by Anderson DAO team.

No Redistribution tokenomics.

You can get ADAO with very low slippage (0–1%).




Anderson DAO

Anderson DAO is a contemporary art DAO for collectors, artists, curators, museums, and galleries.